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SLIMEMS is the first non-invasive and painless treatment that acts both on muscle mass and on the superfluous fat that surrounds it. Designed for both women and men, SLIMEMS sculpts the belly and firms the buttocks through this double action. On average, 4 sessions with SLIMEMS make it possible to eliminate fat by 19% and increase muscle volume by 16% in the treated area.
In summary :
Principle : Non-invasive body contouring treatment, combining muscle building and fat removal.
Indication : For clients who want to sculpt their abdominal muscles and firm their buttocks.
Results : Reduction of the fat layer by 19%, increase in muscle mass by 16% (on average, after 4 sessions). Visible result gradually in the weeks that follow.
Pain : Any
scars : Any
Convalescence : Immediate. Maintain a low-fat diet in the days that follow.
Return to sport : Immediate
Protocol : 30 min per session, 4 sessions for best results.

How SLIMEMS works ?
SLIMEMS is a non-invasive treatment for body remodeling. It is the only treatment combining muscle building and fat removal. Indeed, SLIMEMS simultaneously promotes muscle gain as well as the elimination of subcutaneous fat for optimal results.
Clinical studies have shown that SLIMEMS allows reduce the fat layer by 19% and increase muscle mass by 16% on average during a treatment consisting of 4 sessions spaced two or three days apart.
SLIMEMS sessions are indicated for women and men who want to remove excess fat from the stomach, reshape and tone their abdominals or buttocks.
What action on the belly ?
At the level of the belly, SLIMEMS allows you to tone, muscle and firm the abdominal belt. SLIMEMS is the only treatment that sculpts the abs while melting the fat that hides them. This combined effect allows for the most significant aesthetic result possible.
Post-pregnancy: It is even the first non-invasive treatment that has scientifically proven its effectiveness in reducing postpartum rectus diastasis (abdominal muscle gap). SLIMEMS constitutes an appropriate treatment after a pregnancy as part of a cosmetic surgery for the sequelae of pregnancy (mommy makeover) . It allows both to remove stubborn fat, to firm the abdominal belt and to correct diastasis of the rectus abdominis.

What action on the buttocks ?
SLIMEMS strengthens, tones and firms the gluteal muscles. He redraws the curve of the buttocks by increasing their muscle volume by acting on all the muscles of the buttocks.
The principle of body remodeling by SLIMEMS
SLIMEMS is the only non-surgical buttock augmentation treatment. It is an effective alternative to the Brazilian "buttlift" technique ( lipostructure of the buttocks ).
Supramaximal muscle contractions »
SLIMEMS technology delivers electromagnetic pulses causing contraction intense and involuntary targeted muscles. The contractions induced by the device are so intense that they cannot be performed voluntarily (we speak of contractions " supramaximal ").
The electromagnetic waves of SLIMEMS can induce up to 1000 contractions in seconds. During a 30-minute session, the device induces approximately 30,000 contractions (i.e. the equivalent of
30,000 squats or crunches).
Hyperplasia and Muscular Hypertrophy
Depending on the settings determined before the session, SLIMEMS causes hyperplasia (increase in the number of fibres) and/or muscle hypertrophy (increase in volume).

Comparison between SLIMEMS and electro-stimulation
Unlike myo-electric electro-stimulation devices, SLIMEMS offers maximum efficiency without involving pain. In the case of electro-stimulation, the stimulation starts from a plate placed directly on the skin to then reach the muscles. Electro-stimulation therefore involves a thermal effect as well as pain (variable depending on the intensity of the stimulation). In the case of SLIMEMS , the electromagnetic field directly targets the muscles with maximum intensity, before it then diffuses towards the surface (fat) without touching the skin.

This feature has several advantages. :
No pain, because no thermal effect on the skin (no burning),
Maximum efficiency on the muscles
For the belly : electro-stimulations act only on the rectus muscles, SLIMEMS acts on all the muscles of the abdomen.
For the buttocks : electro-stimulations act only on the gluteus maximus muscles while SLIMEMS acts on all the muscles buttocks (large, small and medium glutes).

Which patient can benefit from the treatment ?
Treatment with SLIMEMS is suitable for patients who wish :
Reshape their silhouette , for the moment mainly at the level of the belly and the buttocks
Dry their body , mainly in the abdomen,
Remove fat excess in the belly,
Develop a harmonious muscular silhouette ,
Make the more visible abs by removing subcutaneous fat (for men in particular) and by increasing muscle volume and/or the number of fibres,
Tone and firm the buttocks ,
Turn up the volume buttocks ,
Benefit from the effect of a buttlift Where booty lift » without performing a surgical operation,
Correct post-pregnancy abdominal muscle separation (rectus diastasis).
Insofar as SLIMEMS stimulates muscle contraction, it cannot be effective only on areas of the body composed of significant muscle tissue. It is particularly effective at the level of the abdominal belt and the buttocks.

Sculpt the abs
At the level of the abdominal belt and the abdominal muscles, SLIMEMS allows a drying up and one muscle building.
SLIMEMS acts on all abdominal muscles :
The rectus abdominis muscles, to obtain a well-defined belly
The transverse muscle, to obtain a flat stomach and a reduction of a possible diastasis
The obliques, to obtain a V-shaped and sheathed belly.
The abdominal wall is better defined, the belly appears more flat and the abdominal muscles are more visible. A SLIMEMS treatment also promotes a straightening of the silhouette, the indirect effect being a very significant reduction in chronic back pain (dorsalgia, lumbago)

Tone and firm the buttocks
SLIMEMS appears to be the only non-invasive treatment that can increase the volume of the buttocks by acting on all the gluteal muscles. Studies have scientifically proven that four sessions of SLIMEMS are sufficient to have a lifting effect on the buttocks by increasing the volume of the gluteal muscles.
SLIMEMS acts on all the muscles buttocks (large, small and medium glutes) to get buttocks ideally curved :
The large glutes to obtain plump and lifted buttocks,
The gluteus medius for a rounder buttock laterally,
Small glutes to achieve deep volume.
In the case of a buttocks treatment, SLIMEMS uses a different sequence of impulses to have an intense action on the gluteal muscles. without inducing fat lipolysis located at the level of the buttocks. This different adjustment makes it possible to reshape the buttocks muscularly without removing the fatty tissue essential for a certain type of buttock curve and good skin quality.

Results obtained with EMSculpt
How many sessions are needed ?
A complete treatment usually consists of 4 sessions spaced 2 apart at 3 days. Studies have shown that an optimal result is generally observed after 4 sessions (sometimes 5 sessions).
The result of the treatment can already be observed after a single session on the muscles.
On average, a treatment of 4 sessions in 10-15 days allows a reduction in body fat by 19% as well as a increase in muscle mass by 16%.
By way of comparison, the result of a SLIMEMS treatment is similar to that which could be obtained with 6 months of intense sports practice, accompanied by a low-fat diet.
When can we observe the result ?
The result of SLIMEMS is not visible immediately after the session.
With regard to muscle strengthening, the result of a SLIMEMS treatment can be observed after 8-15 days about.
The result in terms of fat removal then appears in the 2-3 months who are undergoing treatment. The result on the fats takes longer. Indeed, it is necessary to wait until the fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body. With lymphatic drainage after the session, the result will be better.
Before after : Body contouring with SLIMEMS

Price of a session: 195 CHF
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